Stress Management Project

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A very large part of working with clients is helping them to make lifestyle changes to address the habits that made them susceptible to illness in the first place, especially by improving their ability to cope with stress.

For two to four weeks, you will make changes in your lifestyle to incorporate the strategies we will learn. Choose FOUR interventions from the lists below.

Maintain these changes regardless whether you go to a party, visit your parents, go to a restaurant, etc.

Keep notes on your experiences each week.


  • start with walking – up to 5 miles daily, starting with an appropriate distance for your current physical condition (minimum, 30 minutes per day)
  • if you don’t currently have an exercise regimen, schedule 3 sessions of 45-60 minutes active movement per week; include resistance, stretching, and cardio-type exercises
  • cross-train: if your current exercise regimen takes cardio, resistance, or stretching as its sole focus, shift it to include all three types of workout each week (or all three types of movement in each workout)
  • conduct your exercise activities outdoors whenever possible
  • sit on the floor whenever possible, as opposed to sitting in chairs
  • set “movement alarms” to go off every hour, to remind you to get up and move around for a few minutes and break up sedentary periods

stress mitigation

  • meditate for 10-30 minutes (or more) every day – consider guided meditation apps like Headspace
  • practice breathing exercises for 10-30 minutes (or more) every day
  • eliminate (or heavily filter) sources of media: television, video games, radio, online commercial news outlets, social media
  • turn off alerts/notifications for social media apps on your phone, or go a step further and delete social media apps entirely
  • buy nothing that is not essential, and do not go to stores or online shops other than to purchase essentials
  • practice mindful eating
  • cancel as many scheduled activities as possible, then guard that unstructured time in your schedule
  • spend time alone (if this is not your habit)
  • spend time with people (if this is not your habit)
  • spend one day a week in nature, using no electronic devices
  • avoid or ignore all clocks for a full day (or a half day if that is not manageable), once per week
  • take cold showers, or at minimum 45 seconds of cold water at the end of your shower
  • minimize climate control for the duration of the project
  • don’t use electric lights (including television, or nighttime use of computers) for the duration of the project; when it is dark, use candles or go to sleep
  • don’t use your car for the duration of the project (assuming you live in an area with adequate public transportation)
  • make art or music, of any kind, even if you’re not “good” at it – every day!

Additionally, choose at least two stress-reducing herbs that you have learned about to include in your daily routine, and specify why you chose these two herbs. Make sure to take them at least three times daily at an appropriate dose – ask if you need help or suggestions!


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