The Holistic Herbalism Podcast

The Holistic Herbalism Podcast

Subscribe to our podcast to learn about plant medicine!

Conversations, plant profiles, and herbal insights with clinical herbalists Katja Swift & Ryn Midura of CommonWealth Holistic Herbalism.

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Subscribe to our podcast and learn about herbalism!

Conversations, plant profiles, and herbal insights with clinical herbalists Katja Swift & Ryn Midura of CommonWealth Holistic Herbalism.

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Podcast 212: Fallow Month

19 April, 2023

In ancient agriculture, the farmers observed the need to let fields rest every year or two, so they could recover…

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Podcast 211: Herbs A-Z: Rubus

18 March, 2023

Today we’re discussing the entire genus of Rubus plants! We focus most on blackberry & raspberry, because we know them…

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Podcast 210: Herbs A-Z: Rumex & Rosa

15 March, 2023

Snow-delayed by a couple days, here’s our next episode! Today we’re talking about yellow dock and rose. Yellow dock (Rumex…

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Podcast 209: Herbalist Is A Verb

5 March, 2023

Is it more accurate to say “I am an herbalist” or “I’m doing herbalism”? To us, if “herbalist” is an…

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Podcast 208: Herbs A-Z: Rhodiola & Rhus

24 February, 2023

Today we’ve got two astringent herbs to discuss, though their similarities pretty much end with that quality. Rhodiola and staghorn…

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Podcast 207: Herbs A-Z: Prunella & Pulmonaria

19 February, 2023

Today’s herbs from our apothecary shelf are self-heal and lungwort! Self-heal, Prunella vulgaris, is a lovely lymph-moving herb who we…

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Podcast 206: Herbs A-Z: Pedicularis & Polygonatum

6 February, 2023

Relaxants come in many varieties. Today we come to two herbs who relax tension patterns in the body, yet are…

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Podcast 205: Herbs A-Z: Pinus & Plantago

28 January, 2023

Our herbs this week are pine and plantain! A mighty tall tree and a humble herb of the packed earth.…

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Podcast 204: Herbs A-Z: Palmaria & Passiflora

21 January, 2023

A seaweed and a vine-flower, how are they alike? We started out this episode feeling like these two herbs were…

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Podcast 203: Herbs A-Z: Ocimum & Oenothera

14 January, 2023

Today’s herbs are two excellent friends to the human nervous & emotional systems. Tulsi and evening primrose are both nervines,…

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Podcast 202: Herbs A-Z: Monarda & Nepeta

6 January, 2023

Happy new year everyone! May 2023 be an herb-filled year for all of us! Monarda species plants are sometimes known…

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Podcast 201: Herbs A-Z: Mentha, Mentha, Mentha!

11 December, 2022


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