Podcast 079: Motherwort for Mother’s Day!

Mother’s day can mean different things for different people, but whatever your situation is, Motherwort can be a supportive friend. Physiologically its effects are to soothe and relax the heart and arteries, but this crosses over into mental and emotional effects too. Those are what we find most interesting in connection between the herb and its namesake.

Motherwort helps you establish and defend your boundaries and needs, gently but firmly. That’s important for a mother, because so often those boundaries get loosened or blurred between mother and child. Boundaries also change as kids grow, and sometimes the readjustment is difficult. Motherwort can help there, too! (If that’s feeling relevant to you, you may also be interested in our previous episode about Emotional Support for Mothers & Teens.)

This lion-hearted little herb also helps you become “bomb-proof” – able to put up a strong front when you may in fact be feeling a bit shaky inside, so that your kids (or other people who depend on you) can be reassured. In that way it’s helpful for anyone who does support or caretaking work, or upon whom others rely. It’s a great ally!

Close-up image of Motherwort, a green herb with white and pink flowers.

The audio in this podcast about Motherwort comes from our Holistic Herbalism Materia Medica course, which is part of the Family Herbalist program. The first step in becoming an herbalist is learning the herbs themselves, and how to make all the kinds of herbal medicines, so that you can take care of yourself and your family, and that’s just what this program provides. You’ll learn about 89+ herbs in their depth & complexity, plus more than two dozen methods of making your own herbal remedies. You’ll be ready to take care of everyone in your family!

And, just to be clear: you don’t have to be a mom, or even to have a biological family, to take the Family Herbalist program. Your “family” is not only made of blood relations, but also of heart bonds, so whether you’re looking to take care of your actual relatives or the family of your heart, you’re welcome in this program!

Learn more here:

Family Herbalist

Picture of a girl on a path in a field of lavender.

Episode Transcript

Katja: 00:14 Hi, I’m Katja.

Ryn: 00:16 and I’m Ryn

Katja: 00:16 and we’re here at the Commonwealth Center for Holistic Herbalism in Boston, Massachusetts,

Ryn: 00:20 and on the internet everywhere. Thanks to the power of the podcast.

Katja: 00:22 Woohoo.

Ryn: 00:22 Woohoo

Ryn: 00:25 So it’s mother’s day.

Katja: 00:27 It is.

Ryn: 00:28 right around now.

Katja: 00:28 Yeah, it’s going to be, and in honor of mother’s day, we wanted to share our thoughts about the amazing plant motherwort.

Ryn: 00:36 Yeah. It seems to prepare, right?

Katja: 00:37 Right. Mother’s day can mean different things for different people, but whatever your situation is, motherwort is a supportive friend.

Ryn: 00:45 Yeah.

Katja: 00:46 Has a lot to offer.

Ryn: 00:48 Yes, indeed. So that’s what we’re going to talk about today. But as always, we most want to remind you that we are not doctors. We are herbalists and holistic health educators.

Katja: 00:57 Ideas discussed in this podcast do not constitute medical advice. No state or federal authority licenses, herbalists in the United States. So these discussions are for educational purposes only. Everyone’s body is different. So the things that we’re talking about may or may not apply directly to you, but they’ll hopefully give you some great information to think about and research more.

Ryn: 01:17 We want to remind you that good health is your own personal responsibility. The final decision in considering any course of therapy where they’re discussed on the internet or prescribed by your physician is always yours.

Katja: 01:28 Yes.

Ryn: 01:30 All right. So let’s do the shout outs for the week.

Katja: 01:32 Yeah, we have a couple, we have I heart herbs, holistic rhythm and Rosen Lilly’s all on Instagram who were posting that they made herbal glean green cleaning products for themselves after listening to last week’s episode. And they love them.

Ryn: 01:48 Hey good.

Katja: 01:49 Yeah.

Ryn: 01:50 Yeah.

Ryn: 01:51 We have a shout out to Emily who is excitedly anticipating the launch of the reproductive health course this September.

Katja: 01:58 Yeah. I’m excited for that to actually.

Ryn: 02:01 Coming soon to a September near you.

Katja: 02:02 Yes. Yes, absolutely. And I think that we should give a giant shout out to Herbstalk.

Ryn: 02:11 Yeah.

Katja: 02:11 Which is our local herb conference and is happening the first weekend in June and we just posted a blog on there, an article on their blog. And we’re just so excited about herbstalk. So if you are local, be thinking about herbstalk.

Ryn: 02:32 Yeah. June first and second, coming up fast. You can find out more @herbstalk.org.

Katja: 02:37 Yes. Okay. Then let’s move on to motherwort.

Ryn: 02:41 Yeah. Motherwort’s Latin name is one of my favorites ever. It’s the Latin name is Leonurus cardiaca and that means, well, roughly lion hearted.

Katja: 02:52 Yeah. That’s so beautiful. I think that’s really one of the most important skills a mama can have actually. And especially in these times, I feel like mothers basically need to be bombproof and motherwort is my favorite plant for building that quality.

Ryn: 03:09 yeah, it’s really helpful for that kind of thing. Equanimity.

Katja: 03:12 Yeah.

Ryn: 03:12 Yeah.

Katja: 03:14 On the topic of bomb-proof, especially for mothers of teens, a reminder of a much earlier episode, way back episode 16 from February, 2018 emotional support for mothers and teens. If you have not listened to that episode, then this would be a great time to head back there and grab it. And if you have, this would be a great time to listen to it again.

Ryn: 03:40 It’s been 1.33 years since it came out. So you might’ve forgotten a bit of something useful in there. Maybe.

Katja: 03:48 Yeah. I just think that parenting teens these days as a whole special kind of challenge

Ryn: 03:55 challenge.

Katja: 03:55 Yes.

Ryn: 03:55 That’s what we were thinking the whole time.

Katja: 03:57 That’s the word. Definitely. That was on my mind.

Ryn: 03:58 That was the only word. Of course.

Katja: 04:01 Moms need as much support as they can get right now. So, so yeah, after you listen to this episode, go back and listen to that one again.

Ryn: 04:10 Yeah.

Katja: 04:11 Yeah.

Ryn: 04:11 You know, we also want to recognize that for some people, maybe a lot of people relationships with mom or even relationships as mom can be really challenging.

Katja: 04:20 Yeah. I think whether you have kids or not, if you’re trying to find your path in your relationship with your own mom, motherwort can help with that too. Especially in terms of creating healthy boundaries. It’s really important for mom to have healthy boundaries for herself. So that not everything is used up in service of the children and it’s important for kids and especially adult kids to have healthy boundaries for themselves as well. And this is something that motherwort can really, really help with. And also I want to add that for many of us who have lost children or who otherwise carry grief associated with our motherhood, that this time of year can be especially difficult, but motherwort can help here too. And I especially like it paired with Hawthorn for this, for this kind of a situation. Also I like to put in plants like Self-heal or Schisandra, Violet, Elderflower, Goldenrod, and all of those are supportive kind of in their own ways. It really makes me realize that I want to do a whole future episode on herbs for working through grief. So I think we should put that on the list.

Ryn: 05:39 Yeah.

Katja: 05:39 But for now, hopefully some of those can be helpful friends, if this is a situation that you find yourself in.

Ryn: 05:45 Yeah. So you’ll hear more about that in the main body here.

Katja: 05:49 Yes.

Ryn: 05:49 in this segment about to arrive. So this, information about mother wards, and the, the audio that we’re going to use for the major piece of podcast comes from our Materia Medica course, which is itself part of the family herbalist program and seems like a good idea to just talk about that for a moment.

Katja: 06:07 Yeah. Really the first step in becoming an herbalist is learning the herbs themselves and of course also how to make all the different kinds of herbal medicines so that you can take care of yourself and your family.

Ryn: 06:21 This is where everybody begins. Really?

Katja: 06:23 yeah. This is where we begin.

Ryn: 06:25 Yeah. You know, when you have a solid understanding of how each of the herbs works and what actions it has, then you’ll know exactly who to call on when you need help. And when you know how to prepare each type of herbal remedy and treat, then you’ll be able to create a toolkit that’s specifically geared to your needs and the needs of your family so that you’re always ready when something happens, whether it’s the cold or the flu cuts and burns, bites, stomach upsets, eczema, whatever it is.

Katja: 06:52 Yeah. The family or program has 89 different herbs and these are the herbs that we work with most in our practice, although you probably don’t need to stock all 89 of them. But learning about each of them will help you choose the ones that are best suited for you and your family’s needs.

Ryn: 07:11 Yeah. Plus there’s also a 45 closeups step by step videos showing you exactly how to make every kind of herbal medicine, product, treat, preparation, anything you could need for whatever comes up. And as we add more herbs to the list, you’ll automatically get access to them at no extra cost.

Katja: 07:28 So we hope that you enjoy this information about motherwort. And if you’re interested in learning more, check out the family herbalist program @commonwealthherbs.com slash learn

Ryn: 07:42 and PS, you don’t have to be a mom or even to have a biological family to take the family herbalist course.

Katja: 07:50 Yeah.

Ryn: 07:50 Yeah. Your family is not only made of blood relations, but also heart bonds. So whether you’re looking to take care of your actual relatives or the family of your heart, you’re welcome in this program.

Katja: 08:01 Yes, absolutely. Really, we’re all just one big family.

Ryn: 08:06 Yeah.

Katja: 08:06 So start off taking care of yourself and then just take care of everyone.

Ryn: 08:10 There we go.

Katja: 08:10 More herbs for everybody.

Ryn: 08:13 All right, so let’s get to it. Let’s hear all about motherwort.

Katja: 08:16 Yeah.

Introducing: Motherwort

Katja: 08:18 All right. Let’s talk about motherwort. Today’s tea has Motherwort in it. Motherwort’s not really a plant that you want to drink, a whole cup of tea of. I mean you might, but it’s a little bitter for my tastes. And you know, a lot of herbalists really, get into the whole bitter aspect of things and they’re like, no, no, I just love a whole cup of bitter. And I think that’s awesome, but I don’t love a whole cup of bitter. And so if you don’t, then don’t think I do as an herbalist, you’re totally not where you can hang out with me. We will be the, I don’t really like bitter club together. That doesn’t mean that bitter isn’t super important. It is. And you should have some every day, but it’s still, after all these years, it is still a challenge for me, to really get into the idea of bitter, especially the bitter nervines where they’re bitter in cooling. I much prefer Calamus or Angelica in that warm bitter place. Then the cooling, bitter herbs. So there’s nothing wrong with mixing in a nice bit of ginger, or some cinnamon or some peppermint or spearmint, whatever you like flavor wise. I just tell you right off the bat, it’s totally fine to mix that in. So that you can get your motherwort but also feel happy about it.

Ryn: 09:38 Yeah. And for you, you know, that preference for the warming nervines and, and all that that’s coming from your constitutional balance where you’re a little on the cold side to start from. And so, you know, some of these may be cooling you off too much to really be comfortable. But for folks who get hot and agitated and have a red face a lot of the time, or for this herb in particular, if you’re like feeling your blood rise in a very literal way, like you see it flushing up into your head, you feel your heart starting to pound or to thump or to have a little pain in there. The motherwort is really strongly indicated. You can watch the blood just drain out of somebody’s head a little bit, not in like a they turned pale kind of problem. But in a where it’s like.

Katja: 10:17 the flesh, disappears.

Ryn: 10:18 Oh, you’re looking much more comfortable. Now, you know, you can see that happen with, with a squirt of motherwort tincture in like five, 10 minutes. This is a pretty, immediately noticeable effect you get from this plant. So both with where your actual blood is moving around in the body, helps to disperse that it has a relaxing effect where it opens up the blood vessels and helps up to be distributed a little more evenly. So that helps to, again, to reduce blood pressure and to pull it down in the body. But that effect is also happening on the emotional level too.

Katja: 10:51 Absolutely.

Ryn: 10:51 You know, the, the relaxation, the, the like sort of release of that, that, that tightness, that tension, that spasm in the heart that has an emotional parallel and the impact on them is really, it’s really concurrent because they’re not, they’re not separated

Ryn: 11:07 phenomenon. Yeah.

Katja: 11:08 And you know, especially to talk about that emotional impact, motherwort is often, you know, for people who are doormats or people who need help making healthy boundaries. And, I, I have, whenever I think about that, I mean, I think about the plant and how, right where the flowers join the plant. There’s, there are these spiky balls and they are sharp. And so you can be like, Ooh, I’m going to pick that cool flower and then AH. NOT. But, but so like that’s one way he didn’t think about the, there’s sort of a boundary issue. But I have this, I love thinking in terms of personal experience or the experience of my students and clients. And stuff, really when I’m thinking about stuff. And there was this one student who, is just such the most classic motherwort case that I just, I just love it.

Katja: 12:09 So this was one of our pharmacy students. We teach for mass college of pharmacy in Northeastern university’s pharmacy school. And they have these fantastic programs where they send us a bunch of their pharmacy students who are gonna spend six weeks with us just learning about traditional herbalism. And I think it’s fantastic that these schools want pharmacists to go out there and be educated in traditional herbalism. So that’s really cool. But they’re still pharmacists and they’re coming in with all their chemistry and all their stuff. And so it’s a little bit of a, you know, change for them to come and start learning stuff. And so we don’t start right off with, here are some flower essences and all of the emotional, I no, you know, we start with the physiological and the chemical constituents and all the stuff that’s going to be more familiar to them.

Katja: 12:57 Well, this new group came in and this one girl was saying about how, Oh, I said yes to my boss again. Why does he always ask me? He always asked me about working extra shifts and I always say yes, why do I always say yes and one of these days I’m just going to say no. And you know, they were all just chatting before class started and I, she looked, I don’t know, she looked like she was game for a challenge and I, you know, I hadn’t even introduced myself yet and it just looked at her and said, do you know, can I just give you something? Can I just not tell you anything about it and just give it to you and ask you to take it a couple of times a day? What would you be into that? And she’s like, sure. You know, like I didn’t even tell her it was about her body.

Katja: 13:44 I mean, I did say it right after that, but I didn’t even tell her. I was just like, you know, just we’re going to be together for the next six weeks, which I’ll tell you all about it in a couple of weeks, but what’d you just try it out? Would you be into that kind of experiment? And she was like, I would. So I gave her a bottle of motherwort tincture and I said, Hey, just take a little bit of it a few times every day, you know, three times a day. Just take like half a squirt and if you ever have to do anything real hard, just take a little bit right before that too. And by the end of the first week, she came in one morning so triumphant and she was like, you guys, I said no to my boss. He just called while I was walking here and asked if I would work in double tonight and it’s Friday night and I don’t want to. And I said no.

Katja: 14:29 I was, I was like, it’s time to talk about motherwort now. Cause that’s what was in that bottle. And over that six weeks, she made such changes in her life in terms of just saying, no, I will not always be the person who says yes, you know, because she was like, well, if you ask everyone else first and no one do it, then I’ll do it. He didn’t ever ask anybody else you knew. She’d say yes if you just asked her. And she really changed her relationship with that boss in, in six weeks. And so I was, I was super grateful to her for being willing to just totally to do an experiment on no information whatsoever. And it was very excited how that all played out. We’ve seen this play out a lot of times, but it was so excellent in that particular person and that particular case was just so satisfying.

Katja: 15:23 So I really love that story. But that’s really where I’m going. And I can get to the physiological aspect there too. Because if you’re a person who doesn’t like to stand up for yourself and doesn’t like to say no, a lot of that can come from it. When you were younger, when you learning to say no, maybe that was, you were told that wasn’t okay. And so you start to have these fear feelings and these stress and palpitation feelings around, Oh no. If I say no, I’ll get in trouble or some, you know, those kinds of feelings. And so even physiologically, I can see a direct tie here cause it’s calming down those feelings. It’s calming down that racing heart. It’s calming down those anxious feelings around what’s going to happen to me if I say no, what’s going to happen to me if I stand up for myself or if I hold my boundaries strong.

Ryn: 16:14 Yeah. And so that, that aspect of being able to say no, having solid boundaries and defending them, that’s, that’s a form of, of courage that motherwort. It helps you to, to stand in and to present. When I think about motherwort and courage I think about is it’s Latin here Leonurus cardiaca. So we have elements of the lion in there and elements of the heart, right? So there’s both that longstanding rec recognition that this is member that operates on cardiac tissue and there’s this idea of a little bit of little of Lionheart activity going on, right? With that, I think, go off in a lot of directions here and think about like a, a mother lioness taking care of her Cubs and you know, scaring off the big, big, you know, lion with the big mane and whatever, and he’s like, Oh man, don’t get her pissed off. Right. You get that going on. But you also have, if you go back to the plant itself, you were talking about those little, those little spikes that are on the STEM, under the leaf joint school. They’re there to protect the seeds, right? They’re there to protect the baby or they’re there to protect like the plants purpose on this earth. You know, is to, is to make the next generation or to like, here’s my project and I’m going to put that into the world and that’s going to be my baby. Right? So the planet protects that and it can help you to protect those things as well, whether that is to, to not to take on somebody else’s responsibilities that you can give some self care to your own needs and your own projects or when that’s that you need to stand in the kind of courage that a mother needs.

Ryn: 17:44 So we’ve had some examples like that. Actually, my favorite story, it was really from a whole separate thing. It was from this, this book, how to talk. So kids will listen, right? It’s really.

Katja: 17:56 Which he was dutifully reading, in order to help with my daughter.

Ryn: 18:00 Anyway, but there’s a story in there. This woman tells of, a mother whose child had an asthma attack and it was pretty scary and they had to ride in an ambulance and go to the hospital and all of that. Grandma was there that day as well. And grandma was flipping out. She was just like, ah, I don’t know. Very upset, and mama realized that her job was to stay as calm as possible and to hold kids’ hand and to speak, commonly maintain eye contact, even with all the hustle and bustle and the nine one one and the sirens and the, the weird people and those strange environment and the all that kind of stuff.

Ryn: 18:33 She was just, I’m going to be here, I’m going to be centered and I’m going to be with you and keep that kid from panicking on top of having an asthma attack, which could have taken that to a really scary place. Right? So she was very aware in that moment that if I want this to work out, okay, I need to control my own emotions and I need to present some courage on the surface for my child. And I was like, that’s a Motherwort situation right there. Right? So whether that’s literally happening for you and we’ve had lots of models come through or our school and you know, students and clients both and they find a lot of use for this herb. But also just if you need to kind of present with some mama lion, courage, right? If you need to have that, like I’m kind of a mess inside, but I need to like keep a brave face at least for awhile, then Motherwort can help you to do that. So that can be really valuable and very helpful. So yeah, I guess we kinda got off into that, you know, on the physiological side, you know, maybe a little mundane, but it does really help to calm down those heart palpitations. It does drop blood pressure. In addition, you know, it’s a bitter, it’s going to help with digestion to some extent.

Katja: 19:41 You know, and we kind of, we have our favorite digestive bitters and we’re like, they’re going to help with digestion a lot. And then we have like these other plants that are bitter related yeah they’ll help with digestion just to some extent anything that’s bitter. If it’s bitter it is improving digestion. Right? So we do have the cooling and heat and heating aspect and sure. Stuff like Angelica and Calamus are going to have that warming effect that motherwort isn’t going to have. So if you’re a person who tends towards a slow, sluggish, sluggish digestive system, then you might want to add some ginger in with your motherwort just so that you don’t cool yourself down too much. But bitter is bitter and bitter does increase digestive secretions across the board. It doesn’t matter if it’s Endive or Calamus, they all improve digestive function. And that’s why so many cultures still have that tradition of a bitter, appetizer before the meal or a bitter cocktail before the meal.

Motherwort Actions

Ryn: 20:40 Yeah, so Motherwort could be your digestive bitter. However, if you’re a human who menstruates and especially if you’re a who’s prone to heavy menstruation, then you’re not gonna want to use bitter all month. Not gonna want to use motherwort all month long. It does have a notable and Emmenagogue effective, it will bring on a earlier and a heavier menstruation. So

Katja: 21:02 that’s really great if you tend towards stagnant menstruation. And it takes you a few days to get your period started and it’s sort of Brown and sluggish and just spotty for several days in the beginning. In that case, motherwort is a great friend, paired it up with mugwort and you’re good to go.

Ryn: 21:21 Yeah.

Katja: 21:21 But if you’re a person who’s period comes on strong right from the beginning, then motherwort in high doses or motherwort every day probably isn’t going to be really what you want.

Ryn: 21:33 And motherwort is one of those emmenagogue . It’s primarily having that affects your relaxation of tension. So it would be best if there’s like the period is kind of slow and sluggish, but there’s a lot of tension down here in the, in the pelvic bowl or in the lower abdomen. And that’s kind of like really the fact that it’s restricting the movement and the flow of that blood. This is going to release that construction, help you to calm down, lossen up a little bit, and then that lets it flow a little more easily.

Katja: 21:57 If you’re wondering how do I know if there’s tension and constriction in my uterus? If you’re a person who has tight, so as all the time, that’s what we’re talking about. So or if you just sort of get cramps right in the groin muscle or cramps in the fold of your leg because you sit all the time, that’s that tension. So that’s where this relaxed action is going to be really useful.

Ryn: 22:23 Yeah. You know, you mentioned mugwort for that. It’s a nice pair and that makes a lot of sense. One other place that I’d paired mugwort and motherwort together, it’s in the context of a sleep formula and these two, and we might have said this during my work section, I’m not sure, but these two herbs we find to be best, at improving the capacity to sleep straight through the night. So they’re not, I mean, they can help to some degree with a long sleep latency where you’re like laying there waiting to fall asleep and it’s not happening. For that, I think more of like passionflower, skullcap, even chamomile before the, I wake up a lot of times in the night or I wake up with a little sound and I can’t get back to sleep. Mugwort and motherwort these two I find really helpful to include in that person’s formula

Katja: 23:05 that’s been really effective. The times you’ve done it. Even just for me, I struggle with that a lot. I have mother hearing when I sleep, I sleep very lightly. She’s 14. I don’t still need to do this, but I sleep very lightly and any little sound, I’m like, Oh, is the baby okay? She’s not a baby anymore. But I still, I haven’t outgrown that aspect yet. Maybe. Maybe that is the bane of mothers that we never do outgrow it. I don’t know. But, but I do find motherwort and mugwort together to be great at helping me just let that go and not be quite so sensitive to every little creak in the floorboard.

Ryn: 23:43 Yeah. You know, another combination with motherwort that’s really effective is to pair it with blue vervain. So that’s Verbena hastata. And if we didn’t do that already, we’ll come around to it later on. The two of them, they, they, they affinity that they share is for helping to move you from the sympathetic nervous system side of your, of your being in the world to the parasympathetic. So that’s also to say from alert, aware of fight or flight over to rest and digest, relax and the far end is like to sleep. So, these are type that affinity from moving you into the parasympathetic and so that can help them, that can make them useful when we’re like trying to improve our meditation practice. And also just when we have a lot of things in the course of our day that throw us into a fight or flight response, we need to be able to come back down away from that.

Katja: 24:32 And having some herbs like this that are these bitter cooling, like, you know, drop your consciousness into your center, kind of nerving herbs. They can be very helpful if you know that you have a stressful lifestyle. This is something that you can reach for. Just take a few drops or a little squirt on it and has that effect really, really quite rapidly. So that would be blue vervain paired with Motherwort. The two of them work really nicely together. They’re both really bitter.

Ryn: 24:58 Don’t go crazy on that blend and take like a tablespoon or so cause you’ll probably get nauseous from the bitterness. But small doses are, are quite effective there.

Katja: 25:09 You know, while we’re mentioning it also, actually we didn’t mention it at all, but about to, that motherwort is actually also diaphoretic, right? So again, helping to sweat out a fever.

Katja: 25:21 It’s got that cooling effect. And if you think about sometimes with a high fever you get that racing heart feeling, you get that, the palpitations and that’s going to be perfect. There’s lots of diaphoretic herbs and they’re great for fevers. But then when you really get down into differentiating your diaphoretics, motherwort is going to be great for those high fevers where there’s also that racing heart or the racing pulse kind of feeling. Now a diaphoretic is a great diaphoretic, and if mother was the only one you had, then use it for any diaphoretic action that you need. I mean, having any diaphoretic is good, but it’s really fun when we can get very elegant about exactly which plant we’re choosing for very specific situations. So motherwort is that one, high fever and heart racing.

Ryn: 26:15 One, one final thing that we’ve, we’ve heard about or learned about from some doula and midwife friends that we know who work with herbs, is motherwort for use in the afterbirth for when, the mother’s having trouble letting go of the placenta. Right. Which again, is a problem of, of holding on, of tension, of, of tightness in that case motherwort helps to release some of that musculature and allow that, that incentive to pass. So, you know, it’s just, it might seem on the, if you just heard that, Oh, it’s good for your placenta to drop, right? It’s like, well that’s kind of random. Like what’s the connection? And I tell this other things, but I always go back to these first principles. Say like, okay, it’s cooling, it’s drying, it’s relaxing. Okay. To relax it with affinity for your pelvic floor. All right? What are all the different things that can come when you get too much tension in here? Right? Poor digestion, poor menstrual flow, holding onto the placenta, too long, holding onto your Tender emotions too tightly. You know, like all of those things are going to be tied together. So always be looking for the underlying, kind of foundational level effects of our herbs and how those are gonna gonna impact our health. Motherwort,

Katja: 27:24 I think we got it all. Okay,

Opinions Change

Katja: 27:29 so go get yourself some motherwort today. Although it is a little on the bitter side, I actually really like motherwort tea. I find it to be a really pleasant, kind of bitter and not like a very challenging, bitter. And I’ve been really surprised how much I like to drink it even all by itself.

Ryn: 27:50 You know, it’s funny, I think that your tastes have really changed a bit on this herb because in the, the video segment, you start out talking about how it’s actually not your favorite or to drink straight up.

Katja: 27:59 I know, I know, but I don’t know. I think that, you know, over the course of the last year or so, I really started to depend more and more heavily on motherwort. And when I first did, I know that I made it in formula a lot, but, more and more I didn’t add more and more. I found that the bitter wasn’t really that intense. And now…..

Ryn: 28:22 this happens for you. The more, the more you work with a herb, the more you’ve experienced some benefit or improvement from it, the more you’re, you’re willing to forgive. Otherwise, unappealing flavors.

Katja: 28:35 Yeah, I dunno, I kind of settling with the taste over time and I think that when I work with a plant now and then, maybe that’s not enough, but then when I start working with a plant really intensively then, then that’s when that I get over the need to formulate it to cover up the flavor all the time. I mean there’s nothing wrong with that and some people may not like the flavor by itself.

Ryn: 29:01 Yeah. You know, you can always blend it with other things. You can mix it with some Tulsi or some ginger or both of them, you know, are Rose hips. There’s, there’s lots of options to make it tastier, but just as it is or maybe with a little touch of honey. It’s really quite nice.

Katja: 29:14 Yeah, I really do find it quite appealing. Motherwort is great as a tincture too, which is handy because you can just keep it in your pocket or your backpack so that it’s ready whenever you need it. And sometimes that’s exactly what you need.

Ryn: 29:29 Yeah. So I’ll give it a try and let us know how you like it. Let us know how mom likes it.

Katja: 29:35 Or if you’re mom then, yeah.

Ryn: 29:37 Yeah.

Ryn: 29:38 So we’d love to hear from you. As always, you can reach out to us at, info @ Commonwealthherbs.com you can go to our website and click on the contact page and reach us there and you can find us on social media where at Commonwealth herbs on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and whatever the next one is that hasn’t been invented yet. We’ll try and snatch it there as well.

Katja: 29:58 All right, everybody. We hope that you have a great weekend, uh, whether you’re with your mom or with other people you love or just out with yourself.

Ryn: 30:08 We’ll see you next time.


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