Podcast 039: Herbs for Introverts & Extraverts

Introverts & extraverts, as patterns of personality, each have their strengths and weaknesses. In this episode we’ll discuss herbal allies to accommodate common discomforts experienced by those who identify with one or another pole of this spectrum. Introversion & extraversion don’t need to be “fixed”, but their extremes can be balanced and their weak points strengthened through the work of herbal medicines. Listen & learn how!

Herbs discussed include cayenne, tulsi, mate, yarrow, motherwort, rose, sycamore, calamus, kava, green tea, betony, pedicularis, jiaogulan, schisandra, nori, gingerchamomile, hawthorn, and linden. (Yeah, it was kind of a lot this week.)

Mentioned in this podcast:


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Our theme music is “Wings” by Nicolai Heidlas.


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