French Eggs – What to Eat for Breakfast!
A frequent recommendation we make is to cut back on carbs. Our current culture typically eats a very high percentage of the diet as carbohydrates, and just isn’t exercising (by which I actually mean, moving) enough. These two in combination is a sure path to insulin resistance – a root cause of so many modern illnesses.
But a common problem for people trying to cut back on carbs is breakfast: all of our usual breakfast foods are carby! Even if you’re not low-carbing, starting your day off with a good helping of protein and fat is a good idea. Studies show that low-carb breakfasts can boost brainwaves, balance mood, increase energy, and decrease the “mid-morning-munchies”.
Here’s a low-carb breakfast recipe that everyone loves: French Eggs!
Invented by my daughter, French Eggs is to scrambled eggs what french toast is to a piece of bread.
Start with a good, hot, stainless steel or cast iron frying pan. There’s no need for teflon – as long as your pan is sizzling hot when you pour the eggs in, and you use plenty of fat in the pan, the eggs won’t stick a bit.
While your pan is heating up, beat several eggs with a fork in a bowl to break up the yolks and get them well-mixed with the whites.
Add plenty of cinnamon, and some vanilla. Add a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt.
Now that the pan is hot, put in a nice big dollop of ghee or lard. (I like Purity Farms brand ghee – the cows are grassfed, and they test to be sure it’s really lactose and casein free.) If you tolerate butter, that’s also an option. Don’t let the fat burn: as soon as it’s melted, pour in the eggs. Be ready to scramble – they’ll sizzle right up!
Once they’re mostly cooked, drizzle a small amount of maple syrup or honey over them, and mix it well. You’re shooting for a maximum of two teaspoons, which will give you a nice sweet taste, but still keep you right around 10 grams of carbs for the whole panful. If you’re cooking just for yourself, use just a spoonful for an even lower carbcount. You’ll be surprised how far a very small amount of sweet will go in this recipe!
I like to let them cook a little longer, so that they brown nicely in patches, but not so anything burns. When serving, I like to add a little extra ghee and Celtic Sea Salt, for that melty-butter taste.
When I discovered I was allergic to milk, I really gave up on scrambled eggs: I thought they weren’t tasty without a big pile of cheese melted in. But now I have a great way to eat eggs, AND a low-carb breakfast!
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